*Full credit goes to Marcus Civis for the latest revision of this script*
Focus All - Frames all of your subtools on the canvas and then scales them in slightly so it isn't so close to the canvas borders.
*Full credit goes to Marcus Civis for the latest revision of this script.*
Focus - Frames just your selected subtool on the canvas and then scales the tool in slightly so it isn't so close to the canvas borders.
This way when you go into expert mode, your document takes up the entire screen and there is no wasted space
Auto Fit Window Size 2 - Creates a new document that automatically has the largest possible screen dimensions for the Zbrush UI.
ZFolders - Toggles use of Zfolders on and off.
Expert UI - This script hides your entire interface including the menu bar at the top to maximize your sculpting real-estate.
QTrans Toggle - Toggles 'QTransThreshold1' on and off so you can easily control whether or not zbrush auto steps down SubD levels when rotating around your tool.
Lazy Mouse Quick Setup - Activates lazy mouse and sets its steps to '0' and the Smooth to '16' and the lazy radius to '50'" for clean smooth strokes on any brush.